I’m a writer based in Portland, Oregon (💦 = dewey skin?)
I like playing with brand voice, making beautiful work & of course, trying the products.
St. Ives - Next Top Scrub microsite
St. Ives wanted fans to pick their next scrub. The challenge? Make crowdsourcing feel fresh. I worked with a team of designers and developers to create a lightweight site that made voting fun. Playful messaging changed dynamically according to the tally and days left for voting. As the user scrolled, the content disappeared layer by layer, for a fun visual play on exfoliation.
St. Ives - Scrubday Instagram campaign
The brief: Bring “scrubday” to life through the rituals that energize you for the week ahead. I worked with a visual designer through initial concepting (really stoked about getting tarot cards in there) to final execution. The final product was three elevated cinemagraphs for Instagram that received comments like, “I love this ad!! Keep making them like this."